Product Description
This bundle contains the NEC4 Term Service Contract (TSC), which is intended for the appointment of a supplier to manage a service for a period of time. The NEC4 suite of contracts are designed to help streamline processes, reduce the potential for problems and promoting best practice in procurement.
The bundle also contains the NEC4 Term Service Short Contract (TSSC) which is an alternative to the NEC4 Term Service Contract (TSC) and is for use with contracts which do not require sophisticated management techniques, comprise straightforward work and impose only low risks on both the Employer and the Contractor. The bundle also includes the associated User Guides.
Product Data
- 9780727763273
- Publisher:
- Thomas Telford
- Pub Date:
- 22 June 2017
- Format:
- Bundle
- Approx Wt:
- 2.0 kg
- HS Code:
- 490199