Product Description
Fire Safety Risk Assessment: Healthcare Premises is for all employers, managers, responsible persons, occupiers and owners of premises in England and Wales where the main use of the building or part of the building is to provide healthcare including:
- Hospitals
- Medical centres
- Other healthcare premises
Fire Safety Risk Assessment: Healthcare Premises will not be intended for use in care and nursing homes, rehabilitation premises, day-care centres with no residential clients, sheltered accommodation, out-posted nursing care in single private dwellings and staff accommodation.
Product Data
- 9781851128242
- Publisher:
- Department for Communities & Local Government (DCLG)
- Pub Date:
- October 2006
- Format:
- Paperback
- Extent:
- 159 pages
- Dimensions:
- A4 (210 x 297 mm)
- Approx Wt:
- 0.4 kg
- HS Code:
- 490199